Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You Learn Something New

One thing I love about Toastmasters meetings is that you can learn so much without cracking a book open or entering a topic into your search engine.  Monday's meeting included an interesting speech about presidential assassinations and attempts in the 20th century.  Our history buff, Lou C. picked up the timeline of a previous speech to include some fascinating facts about the attempts on the lives of Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan.  Lou also explained the phrase "McKinley handshake."  If you don't know what that means, it's too bad  you didn't visit our meeting.  You can always google it.  Table topics were a fun mix of ideas for spooky stories.  It turns out some people just don't believe in haunted houses!  Thanks again, Daystar Retirement Village for the lovely light lunch.  Come join us.  We have a great time!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Members, Members Members!

Our erstwhile Daystar Toastmaster President, Joe Barreca, has been leading us in some very interesting discussions in recent meetings.  Using the Facilitating Discussions manual, Joe has lead panel discussions, brainstorming sessions and even handled a "difficult situation" in completing this interesting advanced manual.  The topic of Joe's projects?  How To Get New Members!  Members of the club have identified problem areas for our club, brainstormed solutions and have formulated tasks to help us achieve our goal of adding new members.  Thank you, Joe, for choosing such a timely topic and for setting an example of how we can make our speech projects do double duty.

After the meeting members enjoyed a lovely light lunch provided by the Daystar Retirement Villiage.  Our deepest thanks to the Daystar folks for their continued support.